Department of


About Department of Environmental Science

The Department of Environmental Science (DoES), Stamford University Bangladesh (SUB) was established with the vision to enhance the quality of teaching and research activities for sustainable development and environmental conservation. This Department offers both Bachelorof Science (B.Sc.) four (04) years and Master of Science (M.Sc.) programs in Environmental Science. The programs are designed to study contemporary environmental issues focusing on different dimensions affecting man and its habitat. The major courses encompass Fundamentals of Environmental Science, Earth Science, Ecology, Cartography, Climatology, Forestry and Agriculture Management, Environmental Chemistry, Physical Environment, Geography and Environment, Basic Statistics, Environmental Planning and Management, Biodiversity and Conservation, Fluvial Geomorphology, Environmental Health, Gender, Environment and Development, Research Project, Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Issues, Climate Change, Global Warming, Natural Hazards and Disaster Management,Geographic Information System (GIS), Remote Sensing, Environmental Planning and Monitoring, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Environmental Laws and Policies, Environmental Economics, Environmental Chemistry, Ecology and Biodiversity, Hydrogeology and Water Resource Management, Pollution and Waste Management, Research Technique etc. TheDepartment was awarded UGC HEQEP Sub-Project financed by World Bank for capacity buildingbased on Intended Learning Outcomes. The Department has successfully completed its Self-Assessment with obtaining 87.3% marks by External Peer Reviewer (EPR) and has taken initiatives for overall quality improvement according to the recommendations by EPR.

The currentcurriculum opens exciting prospects into a wide range of careers so that graduates can enter into the work-force immediately or pursue higher education at higher levels to further explore their interests. A number of environment-oriented career paths are becoming increasingly prevalent today and include, but are not limited to, sustainability, renewable energy, conservation, agriculture, urban planning and development, natural resource management and education. The potential job opportunities are observed at renowned national organizations and institutions,such as DoE, BMD, BAE, CEGIS, BWDB, SPARRSO, LGED, BBS, BAPEX, RAJUK, PWBD, PDB, WASA, City Corporations, different consultancy firms etc. as well as international organizations e.g., UNEP, UNICEF, UNHRC,IOM, FAO, IUCN, DANIDA, SDC, KOICA, USAID, UKAID, etc.

The options to choose from when it comes to higher education in Bangladesh may seem many but few are on par in quality and history with Stamford.

Admission Going On Summer 2024

Admission Open ( 20 Apr, 2024 - 5 Jun, 2024 )

Message from the Chairman

Dr. Mst. Mahmuda Parvin
Chairman, Department of Environmental Science
Stamford University Bangladesh

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